5 minutes to learn to build a desktop back-end environment
Table of contents
1.Environmental inspection
a. Connect to the Internet b. Configure automatic update of system time c. Activating the system (usually activated during the trial period)
2. Pre-installed software
a. Add add repository source 1) sudo echo “deb [trusted=yes] shuttle.corp.deepin.com/cache/repos/eagle-s.. unstable main” |sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources .list 2) sudo echo “deb-src [trusted=yes] shuttle.corp.deepin.com/cache/repos/eagle-s.. unstable main” |sudo tee -a /etc/apt /sources.list b. sudo apt update c. sudo apt-get install golang git d-feet dconf-editor openssh-server devscripts git-review gdb -y
3. Install vscode
a. filewh.uniontech.com/d/7ccbc39c836e4736981c b. wget filewh.uniontech.com/seafhttp/files/b846233.. c. sudo dpkg -i code-oss_1.45.0–1586135971_arm64.deb d. vscode version for x86: e. wget filewh.uniontech.com/seafhttp/files/c6c0b9e..
4. Configure the golang environment
a. sudo echo “export GOPATH=$HOME/go:$HOME/dde-go:/usr/share/gocode” >> ~/.bashrc b. sudo echo “export GOPROXY=goproxy.cn" >> ~/.bashrc c. source ~/.bashrc
5. Configure the git code repository key
a. ssh-keygen -t rsa -C “xxx@uniontech.com” b. cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub c. Add the key string to gitlab’s ssh-key
6. Compilation environment
a. sudo chmod 777 /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ikare_ld.conf b. sudo chmod 777 /usr/lib64/ppts/lib/libsqlite3.so.0 c. Code compilation: dpkg-buildpackage -b -us -uc
- Code submission environment a. mkdir -p ~/.config/git-review/ b. nano ~/.config/git-review/git-review.conf c. Add the following code: d. [gerrit] e. defaultremote = origin
8. Create a local code repository
a. mkdir -p ~/dde-go/src/pkg.deepin.io/dde b. cd ~/dde-go/src/pkg.deepin.io/dde
9. Install and compile dependencies
a. sudo apt build-dep startdde dde-daemon -y
10.vscode configuration jump
Configuration file compilation, menu path:File->Preferences->Settings { "go.gopath": "${workspaceFolder}:${env:GOPATH}", }
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